Burns Point, The Carenage, St. George's, Grenada, W.I.
Fax: (473) 440-5038

Declaration Payments

Payment of Declarations can be done at the designated customs offices.
  • The cashier will only accept the amount calculated on the assessment notice.
  • Importers/Exporters or Brokers can access the Declaration at any time and print a receipt.
  • When available, cashier can scan the barcode on the assessment notice to retrieve the declaration payment details.
  • Payment is effectuated by the input of the required information in the system.
  • The cashier must ensure that the amount tendered corresponds with amount indicated on payment form prior to validation.
  • Other payments which are not Declaration based, but are for the payment of other transactions such as warehouse fees, rent, licences, fines and penalties can also be made in like manner on the same receipt as that for the Declaration.
  • The Customs Cashier, after verifying the amounts tendered by the payee, must validate the payment in the accounts module.
The following shows the particulars of the Customs Receipt number after validation of payments:
R Customs payments Series Number
250 Sequence number
N.B. The system will attach the electronic receipt to the corresponding Declaration and add the Customs Receipt number to its first page. The payee can access the information on the Declaration at any time and print out a receipt.

Grenada Customs & Excise Division

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